Hiking in Sweden is great

In Sweden, you will find nearly 400 hiking trails that criss-cross the country.

Sweden has much unique nature which invites hiking. For decades developed walking routes have been created, which gives an opportunity to discover the incredible scenery that Sweden offers.


Kungsleden is the most famous

Hiking is the way of life in Sweden. The most famous and longest hiking trail in Sweden is the Kungsleden hiking trail (King´s trail). Another trail to mention is the Vasalopp trail and the Padjelanta trail

It is a part of many Swedish people's nature, that they go out and walk in the beautiful countryside in the summer. They pack their backpacks and take a few days off from stress and obligations to enjoy the fauna, the smells, colors, and animals.

Why not join and try the experience like the locals. There is a lot of local tour operators offering hiking tours, which is a perfect way to know about Swedish nature, but at the same time, you are in safe hands.

The Swedish Tourist Association - STF - is a great resource for hikers and others visiting Sweden’s great outdoors.

See our guide to top hiking trails in Sweden below.