Stats of Greenland

Greenland Stats:

Total area 2,166,086 km2
Inland ice and glaciers 1,755,637 km2
Ice-free area 410,449 km2
Highest point Gunnbjørn's Fjeld 3,693 m
Coast line 44,087 km
Population 1 January 2014 56 282 citizens
Capital Nuuk
Population, capital city 1 January 2014 Nuuk 16 818
National day 21. June (Longest day)
Form of government Self Government - within the kingdom of Denmark
Head of State Queen Margrethe II
Currency: Danish crown (DKK)
Official language Greenlandic
Famous Greenlanders: Jesper Grønkjær,Julie Berthelsen
Time zone GMT (UTC+0 to -4)